Cada día que pasa estamos más comprometidos con ser Slow Fashion. Creemos firmemente que menos es más y apostamos por un producto de más calidad tanto en materiales como en producción, aunque esto implique elevar el valor en nuestros bolsos, comparado con los de otros productos importados. Si nos fijamos en la moda como un […]
Spring is coming and how could it be otherwise, in Alea Spero we launch the new SS20 collection, Box. Box has the ability to raise a normal look to lookazo, will give life to all your outfit, an elegant touch for those styles of jeans, men’s shirts, skirts, trousers and even dresses. For this new […]
Se acerca la primavera y como no podía ser de otra manera, en Alea Spero lanzamos la nueva colección SS20, Box. Box tiene la capacidad de elevar un look normalito a lookazo, dará vida a todos tus outfit, un toque elegante para esos estilismos de vaqueros, camisas de corte masculino, faldas, pantalones de pinzas e […]
Alea Spero, is a company of bags and leather goods with more than 20 years of experience in the sector. Our products are entirely manufactured in Spain, with Spanish design and raw materials. Made In Spain Our designs are inspired by a generation of cosmopolitan men and women. Alea Spero produces all its designs in […]
Of all the 2019 trends we have seen on the catwalk, these are the bags that will be worn the most from now on and throughout the season. Get ready because, from this winter onwards, these are the bags you won’t be taking off for a moment. They are original, functional and very very beautiful. 1. […]
Bags like shoes are never enough, this means they have to adapt to every situation. Finding the perfect bag, for every situation, makes a difference to your looks. Today we propose some tips to take into account when choosing the perfect bag for every occasion. Fashion Tips 1: Travel If you want to travel as […]
New Year’s Eve is just around the corner, New Year’s Eve bags are the perfect complement to finish off your outfit. Many of you will already have your outfit ready, LBD dresses, brilli- brilli, velvet… there are many trends this season. All these outfits combined with high heels and a great variety of styles make […]
Alea Spero a creado un línea de bolsos sostenibles llamada Eco-A.S., basada en materiales reciclados, combinándolos con otros materiales provenientes de desechos de la industria del cuero y otros orgánicos 100%. Las bases para poner nuestro granito de arena se encuentra en las tres «R»: Reducir, Reutilizar y Reciclar. Estamos inmersos en la economía circular, […]
Alea Spero has created a line of sustainable bags called Eco-A.S., based on recycled materials, combining them with other materials from leather and other 100% organic waste. The bases to put our grain of sand is in the three «R»: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. We are immersed in the circular economy, which seeks to make […]